Emily Roberts
Known for:
- Bad Eduction
Chosen because she is not too well known, and in the one show she is known for, she played a similar character.
Agent unknown
Description: Emily doesn’t take crap from anyone. Most of the guys have a crush on her, including newbie Daniel, but none of them ever try to get to know her. She has a great sense of humour, and a bit of a dirty mind at times. She is a Ride Operator at Pleasure Park.
Age: Mid 20s
Height: Average
Build: Slim
Nationality: British
Place of Birth: Essex
Current Home: Fairwood, Lincolnshire
Occupation: Ride Operator at Pleasure Park Amusement Park
Character Traits: She has a dirty mind. She likes to take others comments out of context to make them sound rude.
Costume Design: Pleasure Park uniform