Ned Parker
Known for:
- The Inbertweeners
- Friday Night Dinner
Chosen to play this character because he has played a similar underdog, dorky character in other comedy programmes.
Description: Ned is the Health and Safety Manager at Pleasure Park. He irritates everyone because he is so uptight about everything H&S. He also knows everything there is to know about theme parks, and he’s not afraid to show it. He wears glasses and has his hair combed over to the side.
Age: 30s
Height: Average
Build: Average
Nationality: British
Place of Birth: Lincolnshire
Current Home: Fairwood, Lincolnshire
Occupation: Health and Safety Manager at Pleasure Park Amusement Park
Character Traits: Sweats a lot when he gets nervous, especially on his upper lip.
Costume Design: A white shirt, with various waistcoats and tie combinations.